Change begins with small acts. The title of my blog is taken from Paul Gilroy's powerful slim volume packing a resounding counter-cultural critical punch.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Press Freedom Resources

For my Journalism students -- a list of useful media organization websites.
Please click on the name and you will be directed there.


Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ)

International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)

Kumpulan Aktivis Media Independen (KAMI)

Reporters Without Borders

Southeast Asian Media Resource (SEAmedia)

Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA)

Writer Alliance For Media Independence (WAMI)

And interesting articles worthy of a read:

On Malaysian media control

Who owns the media of the world?

The 9 companies that dominate the world of media

What makes mainstream media mainstream?

Unreality TV